Boerekos met 'n Twist / Boerekos with a Twist
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Boerekos met 'n Twist / Boerekos with a Twist
"Can I purchase instore?" - Yes you can. We hold stock in a warehouse, but you are more than welcome to come and visit us and purchase while instore.
Address: 728a Beach Road, Browns Bay, Auckland, New Zealand
Opening Times
Monday - Friday 10:00 - 17:00
Saturdays 10:00 - 15:00
Sundays 10:00 - 14:00
In Boerekos met ’n twist gee Annelien ’n kwyllekker kinkel aan die eenvoudige, voedsame huiskos wat jou ma, ouma en oumagrootjie gemaak het. Dié 140 familieresepte vir soppe, souse, groente-, vleis- en nageregte én gebak en spenstreffers is getoets, bevat g’n vreemde bestanddele nie en sit die “resep-met-’n-les”-konsep voort wat haar gelyknamige blog en Facebookblad so 'n sosialemediasukses maak. Boerekos met 'n twist kan beskryf word as 'n kompakte 21ste-eeuse Kook en Geniet vir besige mense.
Available in English and Afrikaans
Each of these 140 family recipes - from soups, sauces, vegetables, meat and desserts to pastries and classics for the pantry - has been thoroughly tested. The “recipe-with-a-lesson” concept that makes Annelien's blog, BoereKosTwist, such a phenomenal success is carried out in this book with excellent tips and advice throughout.